Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sinners disguised as saints.

Random day of recollection led me to this blog rant:

I find it funny how people always have something to say about being mistreated, but they were never saints themselves. Like I have to ex's that would swear til they died I did them sooo wrong. Yet lord knows if u peeked into the situation they were not saints themselves. For one Alonzo was a cheater but he swore I broke his heart and did him wrong. Like bruh I caught u with the girl and to Dick out.... you were wrong. Not to mention the time we were at to fams house and this 15 year old girl comes down and tries to front me like she grown. Real talk if u weren't fucking and or feeding into her shit she wouldn't come at me like she was yo other woman. So to him I say u so full of shit its ridiculous and you can continue to wish we could talk again. Sadly you are shit out of luck.

Now there was an ex named Rick and he thought and still thinks he did no wrong in our relationship. I'm not going to go in great detail but I will say this... You can't expect some one to help you or put up with u, if u aren't doing shit to help ur self. You were grown as hell with nothing but a sad story and excuse. Yea everyone has problems and issues bit u hold on so much u can drag others down. So when u look back and wonder why all these girls left and leave u look at the fact some of the reason may be you. I hope you have grown and gotten better. If not u will be a lonely single borderline bum for the rest of your days.

Now I can't close this blog with out putting myself on blast. I for one can be a bitch... for the most part I'm sweet, but if I feel things are going sour or against me... I will not hesitate to get in my "get you" mode. To some men I have been with I have done some not so nice things but always for a reason. So if I have treated u super bold think back to what u might have done. Simply because I don't do u dirty for no reason. You might think its no reason, but its a reason. Also cheating I'm not big on especially if I feel u are to good to lose so it has been very few I cheated on. The ones I did cheat on well u deserved it, its always tit for tat with me. You did your tit and I did the tat. Lastly I can be very indecisive and free spirited so sometimes I can switch up and leave a person in a daze. Sorry that's just me. None the less I am working on being better and I am with a man that gives me no reason to turn my sinner on. So for that I am blessed.

Till next time...


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Thursday, December 23, 2010

9 months and counting...

He and I just made it past our 9 month mark...
Lord knows we have had our rocky moments. In all honesty he truly brings me to a point where if he said "Baby, lets go get married right now!" I would sooo totally do it. I know I am not a perfect woman but he just gives me life like no other. I know he will probably never read nor see this but the fact that its out there for him in case he ever has doubts about my love.

I know its been a nice lil min since I have done my blog, even with the app I been slacking. Lol! Not much has really been going on lately in my world. I just been hanging out with the girls and enjoying being an adult. I need to stop smoking the good greenery, but other than that no real issues. I promise from now on to really keep in touch with my blog even if none of you muthasuckas read it simply because its really not for you... Its for me. Lol! Well I have run out of things to say so I close.

Happy Holidays,

Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy birthday dad...

So the 12th of December was my dad's birthday. I didn't cry and I actually made it quite fine through the day. My boyfriend is to sweet with his kind words on that day. Its amazing how so much has changed in the past few years. My life isn't perfect but its better than before... I wish my dad was here to see and be apart of the holidays. It's just so sad to my Aunti and Granny hold in the hurt and cry their tears when they think no one is looking. It's so painful, but imma be strong and make it past Xmas.

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My Love

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