Thursday, September 30, 2010

I found the words to say it best...

This song and video says it all when it comes to my view on love...

Dedicated to the one that loved me harder than any other man I know...


Monday, September 27, 2010


Taught me how to put on eye liner so now I always wear it. I dunno why the memory of that woman always stands out in my mind but it does. I wish I could have one more make-up session with her a Poopah...
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Feeling real Posh

I wish yall could see the whole outfit!
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Case of the ex's : the continued part...

Ok, yall I'm back like I said I would be with the continuation of the ex's...

Juan- You were cool but the fact you always had to ask/use my shit when you came over got real old. Not to mention you liked to eat ass and that was a showstopper right there. So if your wondering why we didn't work out over all it was because you ate ass and was a know it all that knew nothing. Lol!

Paris- I thought you were gay when I met you, I still think you are gay. You were/are a user and not really boyfriend material for a girl. *refer back to first line* I mean a big dick and the ability to make me laugh only got you but so far... Because when the "wooing" had worn off I saw a really catty ass man.

Till I add more to the list this here is the end... Lol!


Sunday, September 19, 2010


The 18 marked the 6th month anniversary of my Boyfriend and I! My babe took me out to the movies and dinner... To bad I couldn't stay with him much longer after to have sum extra fun. I had to head home cuz I was feeling sick. I think some one gave me their sick germs. Overall it was a lovely day and I pray we make it through many more days! The rest of my bf rant will be continued next blog... I think. Lol! Anywho goodnight and holla!

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Friday, September 17, 2010

The life process... The Ex effect.

So... I didn't plan on doing another blog, but the words just struck me this morning. So as I am driving on my way to school after dropping my bf off at school, I get to thinking about the things that has happened as of late. Normally I am a person that holds on to things especially matters of the heart. Oddly this time I let it go like all the way go. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would have a persons name on me, nor did I think I would be getting it erased so easily. The even funnier part is the fact that I erased the person just as quickly as I erased the tattoo. In all honesty its so funny how when I sit back and look at some of my relationships I have so many emotional tattoos and they seemingly couldn't be erased until now. So since I have a good hour to just blog it out I will.

This is my small Ode to the Ex's...

Aljamor- You were my first everything and I will always have love for you, not the kind you may want me to have but its still love. You pulled me through hell and back, taught me so much about myself and life... I thank you for that! All in all we are still cool. I guess you can say we made it through the process a polished individuals.

Alonzo- Honey... Where does one start with you? I was the best you ever had and you were the worst I ever came across. Sorry to say you just sucked at life overall. I'm glad I got the fuck on from you!

Brandon- Babe you were older and thought that because of that you had the right to control and condemn. Hmmm... I don't miss much about you besides the dates and the sex. I'm glad we lost contact cuz you surely were trying to knock a chick up... So not cool!

Bolo- Never trust a hood nigga! When you are at school/work he will rob you blind. Thanks for making my attraction to the thugs a thing of a very distant past.

Namon- You were a good man, but you had a very doubtful mind. You underestimated me and you had no faith in my possibilities. When I not only showed and proved that I was divine, you felt I was too high-strung and independent after I had done what you set forth as a plan. Also you felt that your career was number one over our happiness as a couple, which only made me stray farther from you. Sorry things didn't work out and sorry I ever put so much faith in you. Hell even nice guy ain't shit sometimes.

Rick- You were such a sweet guy, but the downside to that was you were the victim of everything. Your downtrodden spirit was a breeding ground for disaster. It was only so much sad shit I could take between us and as time progressed I realized you weren't the one for me what so ever. I'm sorry I strung you along and made you feel/become even more of a sad person. It just wasn't there any more if ever, I think the fact I wanted to help you clouded my view of reality. All in all I had to cut you before you darkness took over and set me back more than what our relationship had set me back to. I hope you get things together and become great.

To be continued...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New tatt

So there has been yet another transformation and another tatt! Its funny how on this journey called life there are so many people that have walked in and out of my life, as well as the fact so much has changed about me its ridiculous! All in all the Namon/No Man tat is gone and so is he. In his place is a new sense of self, so to everyone reading this... Don't give up because life is always good when u are progressing even when things are bad! With that I close this short blog with the best quote I have heard this year!

Let's have a toast for douche bags! - Kanye West

And I'm out!


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My Love

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